Behind the Scenes of Rose + Nicholas Gatsby Miami Inspired Wedding

Lights, camera, action! We are star struck from our recent mini interview with LIUNA bride Rose and groom Nicholas. We recently caught up with Rose, who filled us in on her big screen proposal, gave us the behind the scenes details of her Gatsby Miami themed wedding,...

An Essential Photo Checklist to Capture Your Unique Corporate Event!

So who is going to photograph your upcoming fabulous corporate event?  After the lists upon lists have been checked off, and last-minute details finalized, how do you find that perfect fit to capture all the hard work you’ve done so effortlessly?  We have put together...

Checklist for Running A Successful Corporate Event

Just like a wedding, organizing a successful corporate event has many logistics you don’t want to miss. Don’t worry, whether you’re a first-timer or simply looking for a refresher, we’ve prepared a checklist below of crucial elements for your upcoming...

Behind the Scenes of LIUNA Stations Special Features

It’s no surprise that LIUNA Stations’ building is rich with history, tradition and heart-warming stories. With our Italian marble floors, walls of stunning oak paneling and Versace draperies, guests truly experience a timeless, classic extravagance. Conveniently...

Behind the Scenes with Diletti Salon and Spa

At Liuna Station, we know that a happy bride is a beautiful bride – but sometimes a bride wants a little extra help to feel as radiant as possible on her wedding day. Time to call in the professionals! Hair, makeup, glam. We recently caught up with Anthony Diletti,...

Get Historical This Victory Day Long Weekend!

The birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and the weather is warming up just in time to celebrate the Victoria Day long weekend! Many of us Canadian’s call the first long weekend of the summer May 2-4, but the actual origin of the kick off to summer is celebrating...