Working Together! How LIUNA supports Earth Day!

by Apr 21, 2019

Over one billion little changes are made in hopes of preserving our dear Mother Earth. That is one billion people worldwide coming together to reduce pollution, improve biodiversity and create real-world change. Not just for Earth Day, but for years to come.

Here at LIUNA we actively and mindfully work toward conserving this beautiful location that has hosted so many heart-felt, funny and memorable moments. With its historical roots, we at the Station know a thing or two about preservation!

‘With Earth Day just around the corner there are many things that we can do to show our support. At LIUNA Station we will be turning off lights when they aren’t needed to conserve energy. We will recycle to reduce landfill waste as well as compost organic matter. I am also making an effort to become more educated about climate change and the responsibility that we have to care for our Earth.’ Lodovico (Vico) Rosatone, General Manager.

Waterfront views, gorgeous greenery and colourful flowers are what we dream of here at the Gardens – and what so many of you love about our whimsical event space. With both our indoor and outdoor venues, we know how to nurture and find balance to ensure the careful preservation of our unique facility!

‘At LIUNA Gardens we are always excited to show our support for Earth Day. We do this by walking instead of driving (where possible) to cut down on emissions. Gardening – planting a tree or flowers – to contribute to clean air. As the weather gets warmer, it’s a perfect opportunity to switch off the heating system in our homes and allow the fresh air in. By not turning on the AC system right away we’re helping to conserve energy.’ Robert A. Visca, General Manager.

Unsure of what to do this Easter Monday to show your support for Earth Day? You and yours can check out the Hamilton and surrounding area community links to find a place to get your hands dirty! You can find everything from a clean-up and recycling program to planting trees or bulbs to preserve future growth to learning to make beautiful and sustainable crafts!

Stay tuned for weekly blog updates and make sure to follow us on LIUNA Station’s Facebook and Instagram and LIUNA Gardens’ Facebook and Instagram as we deliver fresh content to inspire, excite and assist as you plan your dream event.

From all of us at LIUNA Events, thank you for following along!

Contact LIUNA Gardens 

526 Winona Rd
Stoney Creek, ON
L8E 5E9

Phone: 905 643-3117 or toll free: 1-866-331-3875

Or fill out request below.

Contact LIUNA Station 

360 James St N
Hamilton, ON
L8L 1H5

Phone: 905 525-2410 or toll free:1-866-525-2410

Or fill out request below.

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