The Liuna Feed

Liuna Gardens Tips to a Successful Marriage/ Relationship

Liuna Gardens has seen over 3500 weddings over the last 30 years. So we thought we should ask them what they propose are the top 5 Tips to a Successful Marriage/ Relationship, with Valentine’s Day around the corner! Everyone always strives for a STRONG marriage. But...

Liuna Station’s Best Marriage/ Relationship Advice

In honour of Valentine’s Day, we surveyed our staff and asked them to give us their best marriage/relationship advice. So whether you are in a new relationship or already one of our past, present or future brides, we are sure that all of you will be able to take a few...

Pardon our Dust! Remodelling Underway!

  Please pardon our appearance while we renovate our Track Level Lobby. You may still use the entrance. The entrances to the King George Ballroom remain unaffected. Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience, Liuna Station Management.

Valet Service Now Available!

Q Park Valet Service Now Available At Liuna Station!  Liuna Station is pleased to announce our newest preferred vendor and elite service to offer your guests. Q Park Valet Service. Valet service is a great way to treat your guests or clients. Whether you are hosting a...

Easy Holiday Sugar Cookie Recipe

Easy Holiday Sugar Cookie Recipe

Liuna's Easy Holiday Sugar Cookie Recipe! With the crazy warm weather Hamilton has been having it doesn't quite feel like winter or the holidays. Today our staff shared our fondest and most hilarious holiday stories. All the stories involved quality time with family:...

Consider an Unplugged Wedding. Here is Why!

Why you Should have an Unplugged Wedding (Or AT LEAST the Ceremony)! Consider this a wedding PSA.  It is time to talk about wedding photo etiquette. We are attached to our phones. I work as a social media professional – I’m the most guilty of this addiction. We need...

Scent Memory: Wear Special Perfume at your Wedding!

Many couples choose to exchange a special gift the morning of their wedding day. Since Liuna Station also hosts ceremonies as well as receptions, we see many couples opting to exchange pre-wedding photos, love letters, watches or jewelry as lovely keepsakes from their...

Make your Winter Event Cozy, Merry & Bright!

From November to January we see plenty of corporate events, holiday parties, weddings and staff appreciations. We know Canadian Winters can be ruthless and really chilly so having an event with delicious food and festivities to look forward to is always heartwarming....

Positive Effects of Hosting a Corporate Party

Positive Effects of Hosting a Corporate Party

Are you an employer or business owner? You should definitely look into treating your employees or clients sometime this year! On top of just having a great time together, there are many positive effects of hosting a company party or staff appreciation event. Here are...