Mini Interview with LIUNA Gardens Events Coordinator: Nicole Lazaruk

Our stunning and seemingly endless gardens are a perfect setting for a variety of events. From small to large scale functions, we provide a five star service to ensure guests create lasting memories. With the many years of hosting many different Southern Ontario...
Hello 2018! New Year, New Events

Hello 2018! New Year, New Events

Happy New Year! We hope 2018 will be filled with endless exciting events, good health and happiness. A popular resolution that comes up each year is organization for the year ahead. As we are in the first chapter of the new year, it’s a perfect time to start planning...

Spruce Up Your Corporate Holiday Event

Here at Liuna Station, we make it our business to create extraordinary events. Keeping up with event trends, and creating lasting memories for all our guests is what we do best. As a preferred venue serving the GTHA, we come together and creatively brainstorm ways to...

We’ve Got a New Spring in Our Step!

Spring has sprung! The birds are chirping, the wedding bells are ringing and it’s the perfect time for fresh new beginnings. With that being said, we are very excited to announce that you’ll be seeing a lot more from us, beginning this season. We want to...

Spring is Here!

Spring has sprung! The birds are chirping, the wedding bells are ringing and it’s the perfect time for fresh new beginnings. With that being said, we are very excited to announce that you’ll be seeing a lot more from us, beginning this season. We want to...