Maximizing Customer Experience | Chatting With Northern Valet!

Northern Valet is more than just a valet service, they provide a whole customer experience! Rain or shine they are dedicated professionals who ensure client satisfaction. Professional, courteous and pleasant they are the total package!

Tell us a bit about your business?!

Providing valet parking and directional services – we are a customer service oriented parking solutions company. As an industry leader in expertise, our Toronto-based team provides valet and other services for venues and events across Southern Ontario. Our goal is to maximize customer experience by providing top quality service from start to finish.

We have to ask! What’s your fave part about working with LiUNA Station?

It’s a beautiful location!

What would you say are the top three trends in your line of work? 

One of the major trends is creating a smooth experience for guests from start to finish and this service does just that!

What was your all time favourite event you worked on and why?

TIFF event at the Four Seasons hotel. it was great to see all the celebrities and nice cars.

Tell our community where they can find you if they are interested in working with you at their next event!

Find us at Northern Valet on the web or email us at: or

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From all of us at LIUNA Station, thank you for following along!