It Takes A Village | Looking Back at 2022!
We have had so many wonderful moments to reflect on over the past year – with things back in full swing – we could not have asked for better clients or a better year! We checked in with a few of our staff members and General Manager to see what their favourite memories were over this past year! It was challenging with SO MANY beautiful weddings, showers, retirement parties, impactful fundraisers… we are so grateful to have played a small part in so many peoples special events.

“Having events back in full swing this year was amazing, it absolutely reminded our team that we LOVE being part of special memories and events. I am so happy to see our returning clients and plenty of new faces as well. All the events this year have been so extraordinary, I cannot choose a favourite memory. I can’t wait to see what next year brings!”
– Vico, General Manager

Our Office Manager, Miranda’s most memorable event of the year was–The Lucarelli Wedding! “The room was extremely organized and it looked out of this world! It was gorgeous from the floor to the ceiling. This event was definitely something we had not seen before and I loved it!”

Susanna our Corporate Sales Manager loved the St. Joes gala! “The décor and menu were both incredible. The hands-on committed team at St Joes is always looking to keep things new and interesting and they made beautiful tables! It was also their first in person Gala since 2019 which made it all the more special!”

Looking ahead, we couldn’t be more excited for all the fun things to come in 2023! Happy New Year from all of us at LiUNA Station and a big thanks for being a part of this exceptional event season!